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Kathleen Crampton

Kathleen Crampton

Kathleen is an experienced copywriter and certified copy editor with a background writing in the real estate, travel, business resources, and lifestyle spaces. She hopes that every article can bring readers one step closer to finding love. When she’s not writing and editing, Kathleen laces up her running shoes and explores her home city of San Diego.

    Wondering about the differences between casual vs. serious relationships? Look no further. We answer your pressing questions about casual and serious dating so you can know what to expect.

    Modern Differences in Casual Dating vs Serious Dating

    Of all relationships to have unspoken standards and seemingly endless nuances, dating relationships take the cake. From “will they, won’t they” to “should they, shouldn’t they,” there are so many questions and perplexing moments when it comes to the dating game. One of those questions might be “What does casual dating mean, and how do […]

    Learn tips for dating someone with autism, from navigating social situations to understanding each other’s love languages.

    Get Informed – Dating Someone with Autism

    If you’re dating in 2023, you’re probably tuned into all of the exciting ways to meet people and the challenges that modern dating can bring. It’s so important to have an awareness of yourself and your needs but also the needs of the people you’re dating. Perhaps you’ve just hit it off with someone who […]

    Practical tips on how to introduce a new partner to your children after a divorce or separation.
    Late Start

    How to Navigate Introducing Your Children to a New Partner

    Introducing your child to a new partner can be a tricky and emotionally sensitive situation, filled with questions like “How long to wait before introducing a new partner to children?” or “What if my child doesn’t react well?” It’s understandable to have concerns about how your child will respond and how the new love in […]

    Discover the signs and symptoms of dating fatigue, and learn how to properly deal with it so you can start enjoying dating again.

    Dating Fatigue – Yes, It’s Okay to Take a Break from Dating

    Whether you’ve been going on dates for one month or one year, chances are that you’ve encountered a mix of feelings along the way, from excitement and giddiness to frustration or sadness. Let’s face it: Dating is an emotional journey!  After dating for a while, you might become tired or experience what is known as […]

    Can dating and politics mix? You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?

    Should You Date Someone With Different Political Views?

    Can dating and politics mix?  You might think that red and blue can’t coexist, but what if we told you that there are ways to make dating someone with different political views work–and, dare we say, work well?  These days, there are plenty of reasons to convince yourself that being with someone who leans too […]

    Rejection isn’t easy, but learning how to reject someone nicely can make the conversation a little bit less awkward.
    A Broken Heart

    How To Reject Someone Nicely – Polite Ways To Turn Down Dates

    Rejection: There’s no easy way to do it. Being rejected can feel hurtful, but it’s definitely not comfortable to be the one breaking the news. But you can learn how to reject someone nicely so that you can end things on a good note.  Follow these tips on how to politely reject someone so that […]

    Date Night

    12 Romantic At Home Date Night Ideas

    Planning a date night can be equal parts exciting and overwhelming. What if you haven’t had a date in who knows how long and are feeling the pressure? Or maybe you’re in a new relationship and want to impress your significant other? For your next date, start in your sacred space–your home. We’ve compiled a […]

    Considering a romantic fling or partnership with your best pal? Here’s everything you need to know before going on a date with a friend.

    What To Know Before Dating A Friend – Our Checklist

    Going on a date with a friend can be an exciting risk, but it may also come with the pressure to do it right. If you’re considering a romantic fling or partnership with your best pal, there are some things to keep in mind before diving into the muddy waters of a friendship-turned-relationship: Here is […]

    What is Dating? - The Meaning of Dating Defined & Explained

    What is Dating? – The Meaning of Dating Defined & Explained

    Ah, dating. Sometimes it gets you out of bed in the morning, and other times it makes you want to hide under your fluffiest blanket and never emerge again. Depending on your personality type, dating–or seeing any people socially for that matter–can pump you up or exhaust you. All emotions during the dating process are […]

    Get Started Toward Your Last First Date

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