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A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

Ask Renée: I’m Just Not Meeting People

Q: “My problem is not that I don’t encounter attractive people or individuals that catch my attention. My problem is that I’m shy and I don’t really know how to approach people I don’t know. Any suggestions?”—Katy R.

A Broken Heart

Is It Right Or Is It Wrong?

Since we’re in the professional matchmaking business, we run into a lot of different people with interesting stories about their past relationships. Something that we try to remind them is it’s one thing to be in a relationship–it’s something else entirely to be in one that is right for them…

A Broken Heart

Does Healthy Dating lead to Healthy Unions?

Recently, Huffington Post published, “20 Secrets of Happily Married Couples.” We liked the oft-shared pearls of wisdom from all sorts of people in committed relationships: * Never go to bed angry (of course, we’ve got mixed-research on this one.) * Never lose your sense of humor (assuming you had one in the first place)…

A Broken Heart

Dating Tangentials

Do you ever feel like a part of the reason why dating has not worked for you in the past is because, well, you don’t really like dating…? I’m specifically referencing cookie-cutter dating – and let’s be honest the average person has been on too many dinner dates to count on 3 hands. So why not shake it up? This is an element of Tawkify I dearly love – our date designs. A Philly client recently met his match for a salsa dancing class at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  We’ve sent clients out to burlesque shows, pop-up art exhibits and festivals. And, why not?!  While someone doing all the hard work for you is GLORIOUS – you can also resolve to date differently on your own…

A Broken Heart

Are Your Love Blinders On?

Think about the past several relationships you’ve been in. Why did they end? Think back to the first time you met and the 2-3 dates that immediately followed. If you’re really honest with yourself, did you see any red flags? Ones that, unfortunately, you ignored? Why do we do this? Falling in love is a rush — but you are still you…

A Broken Heart

Friends Without Benefit

Toxic friends. Whether we want to admit it or not, all of us have had at least one. We have covered unhealthy romantic relationships before, but what about unhealthy platonic relationships? What are some of the indicators of an unhealthy friendship? LifeHack recently published a thorough list of indicators…

A Broken Heart

Have you ever been GHOSTED?

“Ghosting is the process of ending a romantic (or platonic) relationship by cutting off, blocking, or ignoring your former partner’s attempts to contact you. Basically, when you’re ghosting someone, you’re ending a relationship without acknowledging, explaining, or informing your partner of your intentions.” Wow. Can there be enough words to convey how rude, tacky, immature, cowardly, potentially cruel and utterly ridiculous ghosting sounds?

A Broken Heart

Honesty Box: Your Worst First Date Ever

Part audition, part interview, part gauntlet. No one seems to be overly fond of the unavoidable first date. Of course, without it, there’d be no seconds, or thirds, or marriages or children. So that’s that. Unless you have a Tawkify Matchmaker to “go on” all of your potentially terrible first dates for you when they screen potential matches, you’re just stuck, we’re afraid. Besides the pressure of choosing the right place, wearing the right thing and talking about all the right stuff, what’s the big deal, anyway. Suffice it to say, first impressions are, indeed, quite lasting and our first date feedback loop definitely bears this out…

A Broken Heart

What “Little Things” Mean A LOT to You?

In our experience working with thousands of daters and countless successful Tawkify-forged couples, little things do, indeed, tend to mean a lot. Getting a “Good morning, Beautiful/Handsome” text as you’re getting ready for work, or an impromptu greeting card “just because”… or playing footsie with your date under a table at your favorite coffee spot, just to connect undercover, can go a long way in strengthening feelings of attachment and contentment…

A Broken Heart

What Do You Really LIKE About Being Single?

While some clients admittedly come to feeling kind of miserably “alone” or unhappily uncoupled, many others really enjoy this time of their lives while searching for a most ideal other. “Single” doesn’t necessarily equate to “alone” in the mind of every singleton, and one’s perception of the challenges and opportunities inherent to going it alone for awhile appears to be somewhat, well… individual.

A Broken Heart

Why Can’t We Be Friends?

In a recent post by Jezebel, “Taking a Break to Be Friends Is the Most Baffling Activity Known to Humankind,” the conversation turns to couples who decide to break up—sometimes without technically calling it that—in order to be friends. Uh huh…

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